Ah me.
Here it is, August, and I've nothing to show for it.
Oh, I made some decent stabs at things this summer, got some shit done, returned a couple of phone calls, but all in all, I'm still waiting - in a existential sense - for my coffee to kick in.
Remember "Iron Poor Blood"? Does that still exist? Maybe I have that.
Or maybe I am just the least motivated person ever.
I love laying down. I just love it to pieces. Sometimes when I am very stressed and overworked, I visualize my bed. My big bed. My King. My California King. So firm with me, yet so yielding. My King is so large, he makes me feel petite when I am with him. I want to be a better woman when I am with him. In fact, I believe I am a better woman when I am in bed. Despite my penchant for peeking at the clock during sex to calculate how many hours of sleep I'm going to get once the sex is over.
Don't tell Robin. He thinks I am looking at his penis. And counting its inches, I guess.
"Seven, eight, eight and a half - YAY!" I say quietly, because I see by the clock it's before midnight and I don't have to get up until 8:30 the next morning. And Robin puffs up, thinking his penis is eight a half inches. And that excites him. And that makes the sex go quickly. And I can get my eight and a half hours. Win win.
Upright, I am cranky and my lower back gets stiff. Upright, I am always hungry and I grow despairing that I haven't heard back from the agent about my novel, and I run out of Sangria every week. I become bitchy because the last person in the kitchen didn't use Mrs. Meyer's Basil Scented Counter Spray so it doesn't smell perfect in there. I sigh a lot of long-suffering sighs, I watch the clock. I sit down to write and I cannot think of one fucking thing to say and I am certain I've already written everything I will ever write.
But in bed, when I am in the coiled arms of my King, I am awesome.
I lay on my back and try to touch each of the King's four corners with my toes or fingertips. I can't, of course, and that makes it even better. I am so small, so dainty. I'm a Lilliputian taking a nap curled up on Gulliver's big, 600-thread count chest.
When you wear a size 10 shoe, there are not a lot of times you get to feel dainty in life. Plus, my shoes are mostly round-toed clogs, and a 10 in normal shoe size is like a size gajillion in clog. Once I put my sister's shoes - both of them - inside my clog. I'm fairly certain I could've put my actual sister in there, as well. If I were so inclined.
My big sister is a tiny little thing. Mom smoked when she was pregnant with Karen, but she stopped smoking when she was pregnant with me. Isn't that great? Karen is a blonde, blue-eyed petite person who still wears a bikini. I was born a size XL and needed darts in my Onesies.
My California King does not judge me. I'm not too heavy for him. In fact, according to the specifications on his label, I could gain another fifteen hundred pounds or so and he'd still support me. As would Robin. I have two good men in my life.
I will never leave either one of them for one of those sleek Swedish models.
Ann, this is hilarious and so clever! I won't be clever, because I am no match to you!
Posted by: Nina | 08/14/2014 at 08:54 PM