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  • Very Hot Jews
    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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welcome back!


Love me some whole grain.


Dear Ann,
sorry you can't hear my beautiful accent but you are more then welcome to jog over. Unfortunately to my knowledge there was only one Jew that was able to walk on water - and you know what happened to Him…. Anyway tell me when I can expect you. But your Republican friends…. sorry they can stay home - enough of that breed around here as well….
Your German friend Sabine

Dr. Strangemom

HAH, Sabine! Oops. Shit.
What I MEANT to write was, "a German accent - other than the mellifluous accent of my German friend, Sabine..."
YOUR German accent is, um, soothing and safe.


I imagine that you've heard the rumor that West Linn and Lake Oswego are sometimes called White Bread communities. But are the Jews and the occasional Blazer who live there Whole Grain or White?

Dr. Strangemom

Speaking only for myself, I feel mostly like I'm a sourdough.

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