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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Laughing hysterically outloud, alone in my office. Sooooo funny! Will buy marmallows & Fritos today with hopes it helps restore hair luster and collagen. thanks, Ann!


Ann, you..light up my life. Yesterday I wouldn't have known what turbinado sugar but Annie and Jane made me watch Chopped, now I'm hooked, unlike your bra. I say fuck the bra..leave it off until your finger heals..or forever. Stay in touch with your inner hippie.


Everytime I read your blog, my kids hear me laughing and run over to the computer to check it out. I have to cover the screen. Couple of years, they can see too.


I love your words and your experiences. So much fun to follow you and now with your latest award of most valued shopper, you will stand out among the rest of us flour eating, sugar loving Americans.


I think that assistant manager was coming on to you.


Ferrets, huh? Anyone who likes Fritos is my friend and possibly soulmate.


viva la revolucion!!!


Roseanne Bell

Cart(e) Blanche/Ann-- you are a joy to read...loving each blog!!


Dammit, you're onto my secret fountain of youth. Stay the hell away from my chili Fritos, you unhooked hussy.

free to-do list

Please tell me that you're going to keep this up! Its so good and so important. I cant wait to read more from you. I just feel like you know so much and know how to make people listen to what you have to say. This blog is just too cool to be missed. Great stuff, really. Please, PLEASE keep it up!


Very Valued Safeway Customer? I have been shopping there since they opened and have never been bestowed such an honor! Definitely have customer envy!!! Miss running into you there in the deli (wine) aisle ;)

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