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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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I'm going to start using "That line forms behind me" for everything. Is that okay?

Ann Brown

Only if you remember that THE LINE FORMS BEHIND ME.


Philla is not judging your underwear. She just wants to eat them. Taste way better than people food!


I'd pay a nickle to watch you do tae bo in your underwear. Maybe a quarter.


I think you need to double down and be the alpha dog. The dog whisperer is right. Grate the beast and start treating her like a dog rather than a child. She is controlling you and you need to show her who is boss and that would be you.:)


Hilarious! Hey, my Dad was the Western Manufacturer's Rep for Lollipop - 100% cotton. Good, solid stuff that lasts and lasts.


Oh god this is a funny post. Love you, Ann.

claudia Reilly

So funny and honest. But what I want to know is do poodles really not bother people with allergies? Please say they DO because I keep trying to tell my husband we can't have ANY dog.


Thank the monster and begin healing her like a dog rather than a kid. She is managing you and you need to demonstrate her who is manager and that would be you.

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