My Blog BFF's

  • The Mom Blogs
  • Very Hot Jews
    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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with ice cream


I think you are very funny.

John Doe

Wow, who pooped in Lake Strangemom? At least the waters are choppy.

paramedic training

Well, this was really such a funny blog at all. It really makes me laugh.


I totally love this post.

Valli Sugden

You're killing me, Ann. After I woke up with my typical morning headache, lurched my way into the bathroom for Advil, and stumbled back into bed, I began reading your blog. And laughing my butt off. Do you HAVE a direct link with my brain?!?! You are hilarious, Woman!

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