Yom Kippur is just around the corner. Time for me to clean up the shit I've done this year. And the shit I did last year but didn't clean up in time. And the shit I've done all my life.
Man, it is a tough gig being Jewish. So here goes:
Mary Ford, I am sorry I wrote that snarky FB status about wanting the Republicans to lose their Congressional seats if they boycotted President Obama's speech last month because you are right - I totally supported the Democratic senators who fled Wisconsin because of Scott Walker.
Wait, you know what? I am not sorry. I am complicated, Mary Ford; deal with it. In fact, maybe you should atone for pointing out my contradictions. I have feelings too, you know.
Robin, I am sorry I secretly made you decaf coffee the other morning and told you it was real. The real coffee was in a package in the freezer and I didn't feel like bending down to open the freezer.
And Robin, I am sorry I said I needed the whole weekend to work on my novel and locked you out of the house because I spent that entire Saturday outside on the chaise lounge, reading THE ASK and then I spent all of Sunday testing various recipes for Sangria.
Also, sorry I drank all the Sangria. And passed out during sex. With your brother.
Lady at the JJill outlet store, I am sorry I insisted the zipper was already stretched out and broken on that skirt I tried on. It wasn't. But I think you knew that when you saw that half of the zipper was still stuck onto my underpants when I walked out of the dressing room. Sorry I called you a Nazi. And got you fired.
Claire, I am sorry I didn't click "like" on that FB status you wrote a few months ago about your new book doing so well. I had a momentary episode of envy and I had to take an Advil and lie down until I felt happy for your success. Ditto for Jane and Claudia, who lost weight this year.
Although, frankly, if you were really my friends you wouldn't lose weight. Or achieve success.
Karen, I am sorry that at your retirement party last weekend, when, after the gazillionth man told me that he's always been in love with you and you are the most beautiful woman he's EVER seen and that you are envy of every woman and the fantasy of every man and, oh, really I am really your sister? Really? Hunh. And then he'd look over at blonde, 5' 2", blue-eyed you in your short shorts and then he'd look back at 5' 7", bloodshot-eyed me in my muu-muu and there'd be this awkward silence, a veritable audial ellipsis, well, I am sorry that after that gazillionth guy said that to me, I said, "yeah. She is beautiful. Too bad about that chronic vaginitis and that one undescended testicle, huh?"
Sheila, I am sorry that I am going to get to work late this morning and tell you it was because I had diaharrea. I do not have diaharrea. I am going to be late because I am writing this blog post.
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