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  • Very Hot Jews
    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Are you watching the webcam from my living room?


This is the best. I can so imagine this happening. Love your stories.

moby doug

Love this, Ann. Wish it could be published as a riff on the original Runaway Bunny, with illustrations to match. I can't help imagine what Margaret Edson's powerful play "Wit" would have been like if THIS had been the tale the professor told her dying protege... All blown up and mortally wounded, that's how. But woulda made ME laugh...and laugh....


This is definitely right up there with the latest baby book craze: Go The Fuck To Sleep.

Shannon Ralph


writer jobs

wow! this site will be grate! awesome! keep it guys!

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