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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Eric Mandel

I too struggle with the death thing. No, make that the dying thing. Death is the easy part. You can fret over your pants while I worry about struggling to breathe...Jews seem to have a complicated and not clearly defined thing about heaven, hell and the whole afterlife thing. Why does than not surprise me..?

And while I do appreciate nice tits, these day I'd prefer to kick some Republican ass, or better yet, watch Dick Cheney enhancely interrogate the motherfuckers..

Oh and Ann, you are fucking brilliant. Where you been all my life?


Ann, what me worry not when I can't control the situation. Pants, no pants you are going to be the hit of the afterlife.

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