I hate your kids. Well, only if they are doing great. I'm not unreasonable.
In this economy, nobody's college graduate kid better have found meaningful and lucrative work or I am going to be very aggravated and finish the entire box of prune hamenstashn. And then Robin will suffer because we only have one bathroom upstairs. And he's been through enough, what with the cancer and all.
So all of you whose lives are going GREAT can just clear out right now. Shoo. Begone. Oh, and don't be driving around my neighborhood with one of those honor student bumper stickers. No wait, there is one exception: those of you who drive really old crappy cars with Bush or McCain bumper stickers may drive by even if your kid is an honor student. You crack me up. If you are also unemployed, homeless, no medical insurance, gay and a Katrina survivor, and still a Bush supporter, come on up the driveway and say hello. I will make you dinner just so I can study you.
Wait. You know what? I didn't mean to go off on you. I apologize. The person I am really pissed off at is Carrie Fisher.
You know why, right?
Carrie, bubeleh; witty, zaftig, relatable, drug-addicted Carrie: why have you forsaken me? Do you really think that Jenny Craig - that skinny, shiksa, locked jaw millionaire bitch - is going to give you what you need? Wake up, Carrie. Smell the bagels with schmear. Pop a pill. Have a Bloody Mary. Come sit next to Dr. Strangemom.
Carrie was my last hope. I mean, I don't give two shits about Valerie Bertinelli or Jennifer Hudson losing all that weight. Val and Jen are not on my radar. God bless them, they should go forth and live happy lives in tuck-in shirts and thrice-wrapped skinny belts around their whittled waists. But Carrie?
She has it all. She has it goin' on. She's all that -brains, snark, edge, addictions, money problems, singer-songwriter ex husband, gay ex-husband, depression, spare tires, sultry speaking voice - and a bag of baked chips. Fuuuuck, if I had half of what she has I'd be happily hunkered down in Rustic Canyon, baking cinnamon rolls, rollin' joints, doctoring scripts and shutting the hell up.
I just know how this story is gonna unfold. She will lose the weight, stay off drugs, look gorgeous and commence with a gajillon commercials about her fabu new life, living happily, low-carbily, just a handful of almonds for dessert, thank you, ever after. She will meet a man - pretty as Bryan and hetero as Paul - have a healthy marriage and, I don't know, bring peace to the Middle East. She'll share her recycled little baggie of healthy nosherai with Bini and Abbas, who will lay down the sword and pick up the crudite.
And she'll periodically return to television to exclaim her amazement at being a size 2 again. She will speak in exclamation points! and CAPITAL LETTERS and italics to bring home the point that Jenny C rocked her world and she can rock YOUR!!!! world, too.
Frankly, I just don't need to be a witness to that kind of upbeat, smiley-face shit. My attention needs to focus on Libya and how the fuck we are now in another war.
Carrie, why don't you doctor that up first?
Don't worry -- it's far more likely that she will lose the weight, gain it all back and then some, and end up on Dancing with the Stars, which will smack her back to her senses and she'll write a witty book about the whole experience, which will be made into a movie starring Keira Knightly, who will also be very pudgy by then... in my fantasies, at least.
Posted by: Lunaea | 03/24/2011 at 10:18 AM
I dunno.....I'm just guessing here, though I did go to counseling school....are you maybe just a tiny trifle upset?
Posted by: Babara | 03/24/2011 at 10:49 AM
Ann, not to worry about Carrie. Her life has left many scars and losing a little weight can't be all bad for her. She needs some lightening up. Now for you, I like you just the way you are.
Posted by: Madgew | 03/24/2011 at 01:20 PM
Aw, Hell Ann, Carrie just needs the money. I agree that she may try DWTS next though. Especially if all goes well with Kirstie Alley and she sheds lots of pounds before she's kicked off.
Posted by: Irene Dawn Davenport | 03/24/2011 at 04:20 PM
Ann, Not to worry. Addictive personalities are addictive personalities. She will lose the weight, bask in the glory for a short time and then set about gaining it all back. She is not cooking for herself now and when she does and has no one to tell her exactly what to eat she will fail. I'm not wishing it on her, just predicting. Look what happened with Kirsty Ally. I, personally would like to get to the point where I don't care if I remain zoftig, I would just like to roll me a joint, sit in a rocker on a porch, eat an eclair and listen to Leonard Cohen. Keep the faith baby.
Posted by: Anne Fox | 03/24/2011 at 05:23 PM
Love this. Love you.
Posted by: annie | 03/25/2011 at 07:04 AM
Women should be "air brushed". Or was that hair brushed? Wahtever!!!
Carrie is trying to give us what we want......its not about the money at all.
She was Princess Leah after all, and Royalty never lies.
Posted by: John Doe | 03/25/2011 at 09:16 AM