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I would have taken the knife and stabbed myself by this time. I could not keep my mouth shut and probably she would have left days earlier than expected in a huff. Oy you are a saint in my mind. Your Mom would wipe me out.


I simply do not understand why any of this is remarkable. Obviously, she is a stellar mother (much like myself) and you are a slightly not up to snuff daughter like....oh, never mind.


moms are good


I have knife issues with my Mom, too. It doesn't matter what she tries to cut, it looks dangerous to me. I'm afraid she'll cut herself. I can't watch. Hey, want to compare notes on Mom's driving?


It gets really cold here in Michigan. I am going to try wearing shoes under my sweatshirt.

If I were a writer I could write a book about my mom's visits. I get millions of notations and suggestions from her but as soon as she leaves I am calling her cell phone every hour and missing her terribly. She'll be back for Easter.


HAH. I just reread my post. Yeah, shoes under my sweatshirt.


Annoyingly hillarious. You're so lucky to still have her....although it can be a challenge, cherish your time with her. I lost my Mom 4.5 years ago, may she rest in peace. I miss her and think about her every day. I chuckle to myself when I think about moments you described here and even though I was so annoyed while it was happening, I wish I could still have moments like that now.

Barbara Weismann

Your mom is great and you are a riot! Love you, Barb

Nike Shox NZ

Your blog posts are superb. WO SHO SNCV COWKN!!!! Please keep them coming. COME ON!!!

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