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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Amy Schultz

As per rock.

alicia h

Is your mom for hire?

jennifer Blakley

Awesome. Miss you.


I love that image of your mom having Walker singing all the verses to UNION MAID in Yiddish.

It's so awful about Wisconsin. The decision to save our country financially by taking away people's benefits and evicting more people from the middle class shocks me.

Our middle class lacks solidarity and there is a peculiar phenomenon lately of blaming working people instead of the rich.


Moms to the rescue. Funny.


I was having an argument with my sister once and said to her, "Why are you so angry all the time??" And she yelled back at me, "Because my pants are too tight!!" It's all about the pants. Which is why I wear big baggy clown pants most of the time. Maybe Scott Walker should too.


Superbly posted as usual.
Can I have that recipe for Eggplant guacamole?


there's such a thing as eggplant guacamole? must see recipe

Nike shox

I'm so happy! Thank you this is my dream want it has always been so cool thanks your luo...

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