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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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i'm in


I'm in again. I thought this was all settled. Apparently, your mind is still working out all the details. Tell me when and where to send the check.

Does Don still have hair?

Donald Green

Is this my 15 minutes?
And in answer to Madge: not as much, but yeah.

John Doe

I'm in also. I will be the "Bull Fluffer" or run the "Chicken House".

Every person according to his needs.....or was that abilities?

No matter....I want in too!!!


I'm not Jewish and barely into my 30's, but I'm in.


I think we need some 3 & 4 year olds to keep us entertained.

Burl Ives

Red alert on sign #2.....I just attended my 40th high school reunion, and reunited with everyone who used to look at me in high school with that dog hearing a high pitched sound, head tilt. Two perfect words,OY Vay.I had a conversation with an ex-military/LAPD swat officer, who now does security in Las Vegas, just to remember that this dude and I drew blood at our schools anti-war event. Just precious.There were people, milling around with canes and walkers, no shit. I felt like Jack LaLanne. Not everyones gene's are warm and fuzzy. I was told that I looked the same as I did in high school,and felt pretty good about it....for 3.5 minutes. At dinner,I spontaneously cursed my sons for putting me in a rest home.
When I opened the photo's emailed to me from this grand event, I stopped in my tracks....I now look like the the illicit offspring from some unnatural tryst between Sebastion Cabot and Gabby Hayes.
I am currently organizing a reunion of people in my life from 6 months ago.


The photos lie. As does the picture of you in the closet, Dorian.

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