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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Done. A novel?????????? Can't wait to read it. Theme please.


Your blog posts are very, very important, Ann. If you don't post to your blog, I have to do a lot of looking around to find a reason to procrastinate on renovating my house. As long as you post, I don't have to work. Surely you can understand the importance of that.

Dr. S

Of course you are right, Jen. I lost sight of the important thing.


I think it's really important that on your list of important things to do is keeping the HOPE and CHANGE alive.

I can say I come here often, hoping that there is a new post to make me laugh.


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Do i really have the sense of mourning the loss of my youth and confusing about my future?

Diane Hulme

What it is, your blogs are addictive. We need our blog fix....often it seems. And soon we'll have a novel to read? Good for you! Good for us!

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I know that a blogger is supposed to blog often, not just when there's nothing good on TV or while your Bob's Red Mill cheese biscuit is heating up in the toaster oven.
It will not surprise you, however, that I have an excuse for not posting in a while.

I am writing a novel. And every time I write a blog post I keep thinking, "THIS is why it is going to take me a million years to finish the novel." Which, of course, isn't true. The reason that it is going to take me a million years to finish the novel is Pathwords. But still. A 1940 on Pathwords isn't gonna get me onto Shouts and Murmurs, even I know that.

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Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

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