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Ann, I have listened to that call in it's entirety and I wish it had contained more damning evidence but just hearing him with the fake Koch tells us about our country and who is beholden to who. You always make me laugh and I enjoyed it this morning as always. You are terrifically clever and I can't wait for the book.

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You can't buy that kind of pleasure on a cold February day when you are kinda recovering from the flu but still not feeling one hundred percent and yet the world expects you to get outta bed and function and you really thought your jeans were going to be SUPER loose because you didn't eat for three days but instead, they fit exactly the same as before so, really, what is the fucking use of getting the flu?

Anyway, I know for a fact that you cannot buy pleasure because I have in me, right now, about four hundred dollars worth of trying, in the form of Prozac, Xanax, take out Thai and peppermint Schnapps.

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I were embroiled in a fierce feud with them, the likes of which was not seen until Lindsey and Avril duked it out at the Chateau M last spring . We hated our neighbors, we hated the parents, we hated the kids, we hated everything about them. Our hatred consumed 97% of our years between 1960-1964, with the remaining 1% given over to Barbie dolls and making each other smell our fingers.

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The first prank call I ever made was to my next door neighbors, when I was six. Karen and I were embroiled in a fierce feud with them, the likes of which was not seen until Lindsey and Avril duked it out at the Chateau M last spring . We hated our neighbors, we hated the parents, we hated the kids, we hated everything about them. Our hatred consumed 97% of our years between 1960-1964, with the remaining 1% given over to Barbie dolls and making each other smell our fingers.

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