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I hardly know where to start. I didn't think the dress was bad. I know where MY uterus is. I LIKE Tom's of Maine. my head is all messed up.


Ann, You are too funny and so early in the morning. I did no analysis on the speech so I am glad you filled me in on everything.

Karen Jackson

Dear sissy,
I am so sorry I was not home when you called. All those hours of suffering you must have endured, not knowing about the uterus and all...and yes, you still have your uterus and papier-mache fallopian tubes. But I do think they removed your Abba Zabba! (not to worry; I think it will grow back)

Diane Hulme

Looks like humor runs in your family! Your blogs continue to cheer me up as you alway seem to have your finger on our pulse.

Funny gloves

These days its easy to mock politicians and less do yours parts. The article somehow talks the facts back in the time. I do support the points made above.

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