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Oh dear God! This was a fine, fine effort. I am SO impressed with your mom. I am really proud of all of you. I feel unworthy to walk by you even fully dressed. Never mind driving my truck past.


Great story. I love how you find great ways to persevere over a shitty day. Much luck to Robin. :)


I'm a talmudic scholar, and I certify this behavior as not only permitted, but actually a mitzvah.


Queen Ann, you are truly Clusterfuckistan royalty! This is perfectly wonderful and delightful. Now this is what I call female bonding. I love it. I couldn't imagine any better therapy either. You're on the top of your game girl.

Jo-Ann Moss

I'm surprised you guys didn't cause any accidents!


Wonderful memories.

tammy golden

God, how I wish I had your strength....and cajones!!! Gives a whole new meaning to "keep on truckin'!" I will laugh myself silly every time I think of a trucker and his horn! Thank you for sharing!!!


AWESOME. You, your sister and your mom are all total mensch-wenches.

Dr. Strangemom

Kickass word. Let's all use it in a sentence today. Thanks, Amy.

Nina Rosenfeld

I peed in my pants. You are hilarious!


I laughed and then I cried. I know I needn't explain to the Facebook Ladies Writing and Creative Endeavors Salon.


Awesome memories!


This brought some much needed humor to what has felt scary and heavy to me... my own thyroid surgery coming up. Great to see how well Robin came out of it... thanks I’m sure in large part to your love, support and humor!!

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