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Is poop shape recognition just a boy thing?!?! Asking as a mom of a boy who has identified his own poop as a cobra, bow tie, and see-saw of late. (Thankfully he has NOT figured out that he can follow me into the bathroom and identify even more new shapes!) I too find the bathroom a calming respite. How sad.


Your Eric Carle line cracked me up, as did your mom's quick hair fixes. My mom's big thing was to stare very seriously into my eyes while I spoke about politics and then say "You really need bangs to balance your face. Lithuanians have CHINS. Those movie stars have baby chins. You can't go looking at some movie and thinking you can wear your hair like someone who had her chin removed. Remember how cute you looked in high school with bangs? You were POPULAR. Maybe if you weren't so SERIOUS and had some cute bangs you wouldn't be so critical of the world." And after she died, I went back to bangs as I knew it was my bizarrely unbalanced face that made me find fault with George Bush.


poop, poop, everybody poops! one of my best friends is a beautiful, smart and oh so funny jewish girl. this story reminds me of her. she is never shy to share w/me or, i'm assuming, her other girlfriends or family that she has gas or feels like she has to take a major digger. infact i can remember many a road trip to the coast or seattle where while chit-chatting on the way there she would casually roll down the window (all the way), look at me and say quite proudly "i farted".

Angela Gregs - How to Stop Worrying

What a story! Weird but interesting. I guess they're are only few people who experienced it and I don't think the religion is a big deal. So, stop worrying now and just focus on your present and future. Good Luck. Thanks.

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