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Another honest, funny, interesting piece. I wish I understood compartmentalization. My only grasp of what it must be like is that I can be yelling at one of my children and then pick up a ringing telephone and sound cheerful.

And I did my kegels. As ever, it felt as if I was learning to hiccup with my vagina.


I could have told you that. I will never understand men: you ask them a question like, "Do you want to go to Bill and Jane's for dinner?" and they just say "yes" or "no" based on whether it sounds like fun or not and they don't get that Jane gave you a funny look the last time you were all together, and you owe them a meal so if you go to their house AGAIN, then you'll really owe them, and how you have to get up early tomorrow and how Jane makes the best chocolate cake and why is their house always neater than yours? and so on. It's like they only hear the question you're ASKING and not all the other stuff. What is WRONG with them?


Oh, bah, compartmentalizing. It's all gatherers v. hunters, babe. It's "Can I spot the one edible useful herb in the middle of all these poisonous plants while watching for snakes, inventing writing, and keeping an eye on my 12 children?" compared to "Can I shoot an arrow into that wildebeest before it smells me?" We can do 100 things at once, they can do one thing at once. Good things, yes, but just one at a time.

Bizu Philiippines

I enjoyed reading your post. It makes a lot of sense.



I am finally going to pipe up. I have been reading your blogs for a few months now. Of course it is difficult to find the time as I can never let Lynne know that I am delving into her secret world. So as I read this one (in the closet as they say) I was really surprised that you had Dr. Fucking Phil join your group. His response was not only insightful but clinical. Did he have a copy of "Men are from Mars.." stuffed in his pants?
My response, if you could have found me as I would have probably been looking for your liquor cabinet, would have been more in tune with "argument?, your mad at me?, that was so 7 minutes ago.....lets do this."
Kudos to the gent that showed up to the lion(nesses) den in the first place. He has balls! As for the rest of us. We do not know what we do. We just do.
Keep them rolling Ann. I love your shit.

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