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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Jeff Krivis

Warning: In my ambitious days, I videotaped interviews with a few late uncles in order to retrieve a family history. Needless to say, they died shortly after the interview. Since a pattern was developed, I decided it was better to let the chips fall on the family history rather than be a suspect in a manslaughter trial. Just my two cents.
xxx ooo
Jeff Krivis


Just read an article in the Oregonian on the front of the How We Live section about sharing family histories. Since it was a year to the day that my father was in the hospital with two 90% blocked coronary arteries and severe chest pain after shoveling the snow from the driveway Christmas eve, I have given this idea a thought over the past year.
And since being the eldest, it seems to fall on my shoulders to at least get the ball rolling. Gee, I almost forgot, this is YOUR blog, Ann. But, I do think it was very noble of you to interview your mother since I seem to recall from those parenting classes that she is a very interesting woman!

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