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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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Karen Jackson

Reading this story reminds me to let you know that I got a great deal on a Thanksgiving turkey today, since the "Best used by" date was just yesterday, so I will bring it up with me on Thursday when we drive up. It should be fine in the trunk for the 3 1/2 hour drive for sure. Oh, that reminds me- it's still in the car! gotta go! Love, Sissy

Adam klugman

You make me laugh out loud, Anne Brown! I am amazed that you want to, impressed that you can, and concerned that you actually... BLOG!!

Welcome to the future! I love you!

Adam Klugman


pants - check


pants - check.

Jane McIntyre

I promise! You vill fly to heaven vit pents on.


I got your back on the pants thing - now if I go first you gotta promise me to shave my moustache before anyone sees me in heaven vit hairs vhere dey shouldn't be.

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