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    Never mind that I am so fucking old that I used to babysit for Simon. His blog is awesome, even though I don't really get all the references.
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and now i will be singing that song for the rest of the week... thanks.



Jenchi will be singing the dinosaur song all week, but I will be hearing in my head, "shut up, shut up, shut the fuck up" for a long time to come. Thanks? It's good to laugh out loud at six o'clock in the morning.

Betsy Garvey

Hi Ann Brown. Erika brought me to you - and I am loving being here. Your writing resonates with me - I like your style. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and insights and musings. I'll be back. - Betsy


Ooh, I know where the facts about Saturn's rings came from! I like to mentally draft work email when Theo starts "teaching" me about the solar system. Or the Beatles. Especially the Wiggles.

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