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I can NOT believe you are going to make me give up my martyr tiara. It's probably for the best.

martha spinhirne

Nobody wins the martyr competition...a hard life is always a subjective self absorbed analysis. When Larry says he had a hard day I try not to remind him that his day started at 8:30 and ended at 3:30 whereas I was at work at 7 and left at 6....his day was hard it left him feeling drained, disheartened, disappointed. My day although longer left me feeling confident, accomplished, tired in a good way because I had several times during the day completed a task well done...So what is a hard life...Financial security is another thing we use to measure whether someone has a successful and easy life. Larry has a lot more money than I do...Wealthy people I've met are less satisfied with their lives than I am living in a financial blackhole. Being a big time credit score loser causes me maybe 30 seconds of worry on any particular day...The gifts each day brings fills me with joy and satisfaction 24/7. So what is a hard life? But as for being a bitch...sometimes it is just downright fun and satisfying. As Kathy Bates said in a movie "yeah I'm still a bitch because sometimes being a bitch is all a woman has to hang onto."

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